but compare to last week,this week is the most busy week.
so sad =((((
i have alot of assignment nid to rush!
some of my assignment i nt yt finis up oso.
i need to catch up all my aubject for dis 3 weeks =(
my finals coming soon.stress agaiN!!!
and the thing make me damn sad is.
i had missed the best chance and i want it badly.
i cant join the dance peformance =(
cux this term my class fully packed =(
okla..i just goin to show u my picts,
i dont 1 talk much dy..
On 31st August 2010.
Natinal day,we suppose to holiday but....
we nid to do our moral project.
tat nid to pass up on 2nd sept.
at OneUtama.
at OneUtama.
we end our community service at Kuchai Lama.
then wen to have our Lunch+dinner.
actually plan to go Pyramid.
but too many pple dy =(
Sticky =D
Mixx flavour
look so tired after take care those Children
nola.jst an Ice oly..
wondering wen can Shisha again
one of the kid love to ply with my long hair.
prepare to go makan dy.
which 1 is me?!
Manni's bthday.
so romantic le..
her darling give her alot suprise on her bthday.
when's my turn?
hahaha!! stilll got very long.
jangan harap..hehe o(^6^)o
we went for bed making practise.
hehehe..i practise awhile oly.
den i kpt took picts.
this is the most ugly pict.
i busy taking pict.
the mrnig clas i attend.
we make choco ice drink =D
with some alcohol.hehehhehe!
i remix the picts.

we cook chicken and pumkin soup.
Yummmy! i love the chicken sauce.hahaha!

Izwan brother asked me to sent this regard.
to Ariz daddy =-=!
^ hehehehehe.no more rotting blog =D ^
> GoodNites <
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