Today is my 1st time to Puasa with my Friends.
haha...all Chefs =)
Today in campus err....
ntg special..random..
then have acc class.
Manda mommy teach >.<
anyway i still can understand..
scare dnt knw do only :(
Then end class at 6pm.
nid to heading to Pyramid but the Prob is......
Campus having traffic jam >.
around 7pm.
Me in The car~
LoL!!! nvm~ i ply at the parking sin~~
around 7pm.
Chen.Daddy and anther guy met..
Atok mirol.Afiq.Anep and Fad at Carls Jr.
then Sam came along.
all wait for buka puasa.hehe!!
very fun le~ then all joke and fool around >.<
okla..i dnt knw wad to talk dy.
Just enjoy my pictures la..
Thankx to Afiq and His camera ♥!!!
Me in The car~
when in The Traffic jam.
i busy take pictures.hehe..
make me more leng.haha!!
Behind my car is Dragonfruit car.
LoL! not the pple who sell dragonFruits ok.hehe~
Chen's car la...
Chen and Ariz daddy inside =)
Guess who's tat?
the Poke face :p
Poker time ♥
Cute Afiq.haha~~
with his blur face =)
my Cute Atok!!!!
hehe kena gigit from me..
start to play dy lo~

LoL! not the pple who sell dragonFruits ok.hehe~
Chen's car la...
Chen and Ariz daddy inside =)

the Poke face :p

with his blur face =)

hehe kena gigit from me..

Read This!
Same goes to this picture =)

haha~~ perasan!
love this pic.
cause i use Afiq's camera to snap it.

mY cute daddy =)
but mommy din came along =(
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