izit 2day is unlucky day????
2day gt alot unwanted things happen in our life..
bt nt my life la...
ibt i hope i wont owex met unlucky day~~
i gonna start telling u all..
wad had happen in my school~~
i late wake up..
cux ytrday i late slp..
rushing wit my homeworks..
it make mi nt enuff sleep...
i slept in the van..
for half hours..
i tink so...
i din count la..
i reach school around 7a.m
so early man..
wen i reach school d..
my cousins,cy,yk,rc n i..
went dwn canteen..
cux those guys say tat.
they were hungry..
den v having our PE..
i was feel curious...
n asking 2 rc..
y ytrday HP scld her..
without any reason..
oh..tat's a bad atitude..
go 2 the mainpoint..
tat time i jx end my break oly...
suddenly f4 class..
gt sportcheck..
cux my frenzs bring fon 2 schl...
dunno which fellow told teacher tat they bring hp..
bt they smart..
they passs their hp 2 teacher..
bt gt a unlucky guy~~
get serious case..
those prefect found a med..
it look lyk drug..
bt also look lyk med....
they past the med 2 diciplin teacher...
our diciplin teacher fon 2 police 2 gt..
wad med had he take...
our disiplin teacher told him...
2 tell the truth..
at last that guy tell the truth..
he said tat...
he stop taking drug..
he wanna sell those drug 2 other pple..
bt tat international student..
call continue take drug..
(i oso quite blur in tat situation)
pity him...
whole schl knw bout tat...
all of his frenzs try 2 hlp him..
(sry a...no ending)
(cux i dunno wad happen at last)
(tat time i having kokurikulum)
den dunno wad time..
my mama...
wee luu..
she told mi tat..
jun seong( international student)
he play football till..
kaki patah/kaki terseliuh??
i oso dunno..
at last he send 2 hospital..
such pity guy..
nid suffer the pain~~
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